Leaders Who Coach Essentials

Leaders Who Coach (LWC) leadership coaching skills journey often begins with the Essentials Program.

This program is designed to define and develop an understanding of the fundamental skills, processes, and benefits of coaching by leaders. The program is an excellent foundation for learning how a coaching mindset promotes growth and development for leaders and team members resulting in much more than just improved performance.

This initial coaching program will introduce attendees to the core elements of LWC’s unique approach to developing leadership coaching skills and creating a coaching culture.  Each participant will mailed program materials and the new book:  Leaders Who Coach:  The Roadmap to Unleashing Team Genius by Jan Salisbury (Stonebrook Publishing) to be published May 2022.

Program Details:

Using an evidence-based coaching model, the coach facilitators work with participants to instill the essential elements of developmental coaching. The LWC Coaching model includes a four-step roadmap, four powerful skills, and the four coaching attributes. They are presented in two ways: a Live Webinar (three half-days) or within a two-day or on-site program. Both programs are highly experiential and facilitated by two International Coach Federation (ICF) accredited executive coaches as facilitators.

In addition to building a foundation for coaching individuals, teams, and leaders for growth and professional development, the participants will come away with capabilities for the following:

  • Identifying and capitalizing on coachable moments
  • Setting goals and creating action plans
  • Coaching and enabling others to solve issues
  • Strategies to help others accomplish their goals
  • Confidence to coach others effectively in the workplace

We deliver our Leaders Who Coach Essentials program in-house or as open programs in two ways:

Leaders Who Coach Essentials

Live Webinars!

Leaders Who Coach Essentials is now delivered in three half-day (6 Module 90-minute sessions) sessions including a Webinar Follow-through 30 days later. Modeling, experiential practice sessions, and an additional 45-minute mentor coach session with a coach/facilitator enable participants to build the coaching skills effectively virtually.

Leaders Who Coach Essentials

Two Day IN-PERSON Program

Since 2010, our premier Essentials program has primarily been delivered in a two-day, plus a webinar follow-through 30 days later format. Real-time practice sessions with feedback are punctuated by small group discussion, modeling by facilitators, COACHING feedback from facilitators short videos, and short presentations. The two-day program is ideal for building a coaching culture and team relationships as well as address additional topics related to leadership and coaching.


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