Below are a few of the many comments received from participants about the Leaders Who Coach programs:
“The Leaders Who Coach program provided me with excellent tools to help employees improve without micromanagement or top-down control. Coaching is a great fit for our high-tech company culture; we are in the process of having all of our company leaders become “Leaders Who Coach.”
~ Ryan Woodings, CEO | Metageek

“Great leaders expect their team members to make sound, independent decisions. The Leaders Who Coach curriculum identifies a clear and easily understood process that empowers and supports employees in developing and problem solving.”
~ Perry Oldenburg, Deputy Chief | Boise Fire Department
“Leaders in our organization were frustrated that employees weren’t stepping up to solve problems and taking accountability for issues within their scope of responsibility. In our fast-paced environment leaders had resorted to “telling” instead of coaching. Leaders Who Coach was the answer. The LWC framework was easy to understand and efficient: leaders who committed to the coaching model experienced improvement in their own productivity as well as the productivity of those whom they led.”
~ Deanne Thornton, Learning & Talent Development Manager | Boise Inc.
“In my career in technology, the leaders in my organizations have come from the technology ranks. When I moved into management from a technical role, I was following the same path: technology to leadership. What I recognized pretty quickly was that the coaching skills necessary for someone in a leadership position are not inherent in technical positions. We are great at scheduling, planning, and the mechanics of project management, but not the skills to influence and develop others. The Leaders Who Coach class gave me the skills necessary to maximize the performance of my team. I learned to get better results by talking less and listening more, and focusing on making the team successful. The two-day session had a great overview and a lot of practical role playing that allowed us to practice what we were learning before we were let loose back at our own companies. I would recommend this program to anyone in a leadership role at a company, both formal and informal, because the skills learned can help both the individual and organization grow.”
~ Tim Raney, Leader | White Cloud Analytics

“The beauty of this course is that it provides a framework and system that leaders can easily incorporate into their toolkits. For people for whom coaching is not natural, this course demystifies the process and makes the skills accessible. For natural coaches it reinforces and enhances skills. The formal learning experience is interesting, interactive and participatory; learners leave ready to coach more effectively. I recommend this course for any leader committed to working with others to achieve success in any endeavor.”
~ Carol K. Casler, M.Ed., L.P.C., Former Vice President, Learning and Development | Healthwise
“I really enjoyed the Leaders Who Coach Program. It’s been a couple years since I took the course, and I’m still using the method in most of my interactions with my employees and others in the organization (including the Leadership Team). Many of the questions I ask carry over into interviewing situations, and often with my wife and kids as well. The biggest take away I’ve been working on is to not try and be a “hero” and provide an answer. When I’m successful at coaching (not being a hero in this case), the outcome is always better because the other party is invested in having found a solution together. Finally, Leaders Who Coach has taught me a large amount of self-awareness and to hold myself accountable to helping others find the answers rather than giving them myself.”
~ Craig Johnson, CFO | Idaho Food Bank