Coaching by Walking Around

It’s time to revitalize a time-tested leadership practice: Management by Walking Around or (MBWA). This practice, characterized by leaders literally walking around their workplace to engage with employees directly, has roots in the successful management strategies of Hewlett-Packard leaders. The leaders at HP with whom I worked, revered this practice so much that they embedded…

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Our LWC Coaching model has four core skills: Listening Actively, Coaching Questions, Encouragement and Creating Ownership. Perhaps the most elusive for leaders is encouragement. Why is encouragement a core skill when leaders coach? What makes it challenging for leaders and how can they mindfully integrate it into their coaching and their leadership style? The essence…

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Why Leaders Don’t Coach

If you’re in a leadership role of any kind, you’ve undoubtedly found yourself in challenging situations. You’ve dealt with difficulties–some of which have likely arisen in the past several years of remote work, employee turnover, and organizational change.  30 years’ experience working with leaders and teams has taught me that when the going gets tough,…

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Prioritizing Presence

Have you ever had a conversation with someone who says all the ‘right things’ and looks interested, but somehow, you just know they aren’t? We’ve all experienced this at times, and it can make us feel disconnected from the person we are speaking with. We’ve probably been this person from time to time – we…

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