It’s time to revitalize a time-tested leadership practice: Management by Walking Around or (MBWA). This practice, characterized by leaders literally walking around their workplace to engage with employees directly, has roots in the successful management strategies of Hewlett-Packard leaders. The leaders at HP with whom I worked, revered this practice so much that they embedded it, along with quality one-to-ones, into their leadership assessments. The President of HP would wander the large buildings asking questions like, “What are you working on? What excites you? and What are your challenges?” Then he’d pause… and just listen. In that moment of pause, a powerful presence could emerge. MBWA unleashes this power of presence, builds trust and demonstrates that every team member is valued and their voice matters.
We believe that coaching strengthens MBWA by seizing the opportunity to empower and develop others to resolve an issue or reach a goal. When appropriate, these MBWA informal visits help leaders learn about what’s on their teams’ minds. This curiosity can evolve into what we call coachable moments. Coachable moments are spontaneous and can last a few minutes or longer.
The Leaders Who Coach Model is a dynamic complement to the MBWA. The basic coaching skills of listening, asking questions and encouragement are vital to successfully combining the coaching process with MBWA. The LWC® Roadmap helps the person move forward with clarity. The powerful presence that’s unleashed when the LWC model is combined with MBWA can transform coachable moments into opportunities for awareness, growth and development, and empowerment of others to own and resolve issues and reach their goals. We call merging the two practices Coaching by Walking Around (CBWA).
Here’s how to capitalize on these two powerful leadership approaches:
Management by Walking Around or (MBWA) – Engage team members
- Make MBWA a regular routine. Something you do on an ongoing basis.
- Be sure to visit everyone!
- Be open to questions and welcome feedback.
- Pop in, say hello, find out what they’re working on.
- Encourage and recognize
- Set up quick virtual check-ins as well for those working remote.
Coaching by Walking Around (CBWA) – Leaders Who Coach Model
- Transition to the Coach Approach
- When someone appears to want to address an issue or goal, ask them if they would like
to be coached on the topic and help them be clear. - Make sure there is a modicum of confidentiality.
- Always begin with the first step of the PASN Roadmap-Purpose.
- What would they like to achieve in or get out of the conversation?
- Explore and even if there’s a limited time, move to what’s next. What have they learned
so far that leads to a possible action? - Ask if they would like more time and schedule a lengthier meeting.
At their core, MBWA and CBWA are about making genuine connection. The benefits of combining these two powerful leadership approaches include enhanced communication, increased engagement, stronger relationships, improved problem solving, and boosted innovation! Stay curious, focused, committed, and accepting and you will see the powerful value that is created!